Monday, December 22, 2008

Who knows??

You might have noticed the little "Esther" book on the shelf in Little Sister's room. Esther 4:14 says "......Who knows if you weren't put in this position for just such a time as this?" We felt like that was the question we were being asked when we were trying to decide whether or not to adopt. Like God was saying, Who knows if I haven't put you right where you are, and blessed you beyond belief, and showed you exactly what I wanted to show you, to prepare your hearts.....for just such a time as this???
Well, the psych visit went just fine. The boys did great! They just spoke truthfully and straight from their hearts. It was sweet:) But.....He didn't have one of the tests that the dossier requires. So, he will have to download it and FedEx it to us real soon, hopefully. He still needs to update our evaluation, since visiting with the boys, but I have a feeling that this probably won't get finalized until after the holidays.
Speaking of....Merry Christmas and Happy 2009. It's going to be a great year..I just know it!!


lisa guier said...

I did notice the book. I know the boys did a great job in the psych test! they have great hearts just like you and larry. It is going to be a good year! God is in control!

Unknown said...

Laci....I may be slightly retarded or somethin but I can't see where the pictures of her room are. Help...please!

The Thurn Family said...

Richard~Scroll all the way down. They should be down towards the bottom. Happy New Year! ~Laci