Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Jamaica~HERE WE COME!!

The SNA in Peru put their handy dandy little list out on December 21st (as promised) and it DID NOT say....The Thurn Family. So much for her coming home in 2009:( But....that's OK! I quickly turned that little frown upside down when I turned my eyes back to Dayton and I GETTING to go together to Jamaica. We leave in about a week and a half!! WoooooHoooo! I cannot wait! Mostly excited to serve along side of my son but also to return to Jamaica and see all of the friends I have made over the years! Surely God has plenty of incredible things to show us and our entire team. Just waiting to be led and fed!!:)
HAPPY TWENTY-TEN loved ones!!

1 comment:

Carolyn said...

Hi Laci! Praise the Lord for your continued faithfulness to 'Serve Him While You Wait' I appreciate that in you. I pray you and Dayton have an incredible time serving together in Jamaica. May the Lord's Grace be with you as you and your family continue to wait. Don't stop dreaming about that glorious day, Jesus is daily dreaming of the day we will aslo be united with Him in glory!
I love you sister. Have a wonderful day!