Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Grain Valley Eagles!

Hey all!
Thought I'd share a few "proud mom" shots of Dakota starting his high school basketball season! His first game was on Monday and as you can see on the score board, they won 45 to 24! I was video taping with my camera and didn't get any pics of him on the court. Dang! Well, there's always Thursday's game:)
Adoption Front--They put another consejo out on November 30th (which actually I was surprised about) and we didn't get an assignment but as the boys both told me, "Well at least they are placing children in homes!" So True! Supposedly, the next one will be December the 21st.
Enjoy entering this Christmas Season Friends and Family:)

1 comment:

lisa guier said...

great pics. you'll have fun watching all those games but remember to take some pic of the kota! it was nice to be surprised about the consejo. you're farther up on the list and didn't even know it was happening. MERRY CHRISTMAS!!!