Sunday, October 4, 2009

Homecoming & update~of sorts.....

Well....there's my cute... ooops I mean, HANDSOME boys...oops I mean guys! Sure enough, Dakota went off to Homecoming on Saturday night and had a great time. Actually, spoken like a true guy, said he had more fun at dinner then the "dance"! Seems as if some things never change, 90% stand around the edge and 10% actually dance. HA! :)
The "up-date of sorts" is that there isn't much of one! The list of child placements hasn't been posted for September ......YET! We are hoping and praying that they aren't skipping it all together like they did in August. Hmmmm. Meanwhile, many of you know already that our US immigration paperwork has EXPIRED! So, we are in the process of "updating" our home study and re-applying. I finally have a list (of things to do). Looking it over and checking things off. It contains things like, more copies of birth certificates, financial status, physicians letters of our continued good health, friend and family referral, more background checks, etc.
~Any ole' who! We click along, taking what comes and moving forward. All the while God blesses with precious moments like ~celebrating 17 years of marriage and watching and getting to be a part of our "boys" growing to be fine YOUNG MEN! Life is GOOD!


AiMeE jOnEs ;) said...

Thanks for the update. It might not seem like much but things are happening. The only thing that I can tell my self is that the day that you guys get to go get little sis and when she comes home are going to be beautiful gifts from God. He must be waiting for some stinkin amazing days! I can't wait!! :) I will continue to pray for you all and that God will continue to keep a hand of protection over lil sis until she comes home.

lisa guier said...

great pictures of your young men.!at least having the list of to do helps being able to check one of at a time as you get them redone! Hang on!