Thursday, April 30, 2009

Nope, not yet!!

Well, the "abril" (April) consejo is out and we aren't on it! Oh Well! That's ok! We will go ahead and rest in the fact that God's plan is BEST! Not ours!! :) Waiting a little longer will give us time to be better prepared and also be here to see Dakota off on his mission trip.

I attached some pics of us in the backyard last week. It was such a beautiful evening! Notice, Dakota wet in the top pic. Couldn't stand it, had to jump in! Yes, Larry was short to follow!


Jana Markley, PhD said...

God is good; yes, He is faithful. We'll keep praying. He'll answer :) Love you!

Amy said...

I have prayed these last 2 days that Jesus fills your hope back up...refuels you...and gives you an incredible amount of faith. I am praying that He puts that same hope and faith in lil sister's heart to know that her family is a comin! Maybe she hasn't been released for adoption know all the right words that I could say...just know I am waiting with you...praying for you all every day...Dakota and Dayton...I am so proud of you boys...Lil Sis is going to have such an awesome example to follow in the both of you...Keep looking at Jesus...Your hearts are amazing...I know that you both bring a smile to His Face! Larry and Laci...all I can say is GOD IS AWESOME...I see His power and the example of His Son in both of make your Heavenly Father proud! Keep doing what you are doing...Worshipping Him while You are to all of you!

Carolyn said...

Laci, that is your back yard!!! WOW... what a wonderful place to meditate on all that the Lord has in store for you and your family!
I know it is hard to be patient when you are so excited about something, I have been there. I can testify that when God's time is right the flood gates will open and you will not be able to contain His outpouring!!!! I promise it will come and you will be SO amazed!!!

You should have seen Dakota at the "Who's Pulling You" the other night! He was really listenting to every word. He is so mature for a young man. I am real excited to be going on this trip with him and hope that I get to spend lots of time with him. You have two sweet boys Laci! I am so blessed to have met you and your family.
Love you

lisa guier said...

glad to see and know that you're having fun along the way of waiting in God's timing.