Thursday, January 15, 2009

it's off to the consulate!

I DID IT! Today, I took the handy dandy little DOSSIER to the UPS store and sent it to Chicago. Pretty bitter sweet because, on one hand, I was glad to be delivering it to the next step and out of my hands but, on the other hand, it was hard to let go of it. 25 VERY important documents that if are lost, means we are starting basically back at square one (of dossier prep). should arrive tomorrow by 10:30 in the a.m. Hopefully they will receive it, seal it and stick it back in the mail, asap! I am in hopes that it will be waiting for me upon my return from Jamaica which means that it will be on it's way to Peru as soon as I can get copies made. Yahooooooo!:)

1 comment:

Armstrong's said...

Congrats on completing another big step! Doesn't it feel good to check that off of the list :). Have fun in Jamaica!