Monday, September 12, 2011

Laaaaaaaaaaaadies and Gentlemeeeennnn.....

I can't wait to tell our daughter the story of her mommy and daddy falling in love.
Today I found a little shirt at Target that says "Circus" and has circus elephants on it. Real cute:) I HAD to get it!
Larry and I had our first date at the circus and one day we went back to the 'greatest show on earth' and he proposed! That's right! Got down on one knee in front of everyone, and asked me to marry him!
So, the mere mention of the circus coming to town brings a smile to our faces:)
What's crazy is we have our 19th anniversary in a couple weeks. If someone had came to me on September 26th, 1992 and said, in 19 years you will be heading to Peru to pick up your daughter we would have said, "WHAT???"
On that day when we stood in front of all our friends and family, we had no idea of the incredible things God had in store for us.
It has been somewhat of a "circus". In the best possible way. Things that we were truly amazed by and we "ooooohed and ahhhhhhed". Things that made us a little frightened or anxious but still ended up thrilled with the outcome. Ultimately, enough wonderful memories that make us keep coming back for more. To see what's next!
Romans 8:28~And we know that God caused everything to work together for the good of those who love God and are called according to his purpose for them.
Everything has worked together for the good!
ALSO! Two HUGE blessings today! One was, Julie (the owner of our salon) told me that all of my rent for my station had been "taken care of" for ALL FIVE WEEKS I'll be gone!! Praise the LORD!!! Wow!! Unbelievable! The second was we received notification that the USCIS had received our paperwork and it was moving on to the next step. YIPPPPPEEEE! We will hopefully have permission to "travel" very very soon!!!
This really is the greatest show!


Amy said...

...and the BEST is yet to come! :) fasten your seat belts!

balletmom2000 said...

God is sooooo good!! I love to see what he is doing in your lives!

lisa guier said...

awesome! Can't wait to see her!

Erin and Josh said...

Lacy, I'm just thrilled at the news of you traveling to get your daughter. I will be praying for all of you!