Saturday, July 11, 2009


Hi All!
I haven't updated in a while because there hasn't been much to update on the adoption front. We are all approved, that is - the US and Peru both agree that we are fit to be parents, Whew! - but we just wait to be assigned to a particular child. Key word "WAIT"! So that's what we're doing....waiting. Knowing that the big guy in charge has PERFECT timing and a PERFECT plan and PERFECT reasons why He will connect our paths on the day HE chooses! And as hard as it is some days, WE WOULDN'T WANT IT ANY OTHER WAY! So we are clicking along, trying to carry on as normal as possible.
Dakota had a wonderful time in Peru, loved being with the children and working hard and also, building bonds/friendships with his team. We had many reports of how hard he worked/served and Larry and I are very proud of him. He turned 15 years old the day they got back and a few days later got his driver's permit. Doing pretty well, I must say. He loves driving us all around!
Dayton is enjoying his summer as well, going to the GV pool a lot and running cross country. That kid is up to running 4.5 miles a day. Hmmmm...I try to think of him as encouragement as I try to make it 1 time around the track at boot camp. Yeeeeks!
Both boys are looking forward to possibly a little Colorado time coming up including TPX camp the first week of August.
Hope all is well with all of YOU and your summer is going GREAT!
Thanks for catching up!


lisa guier said...

although i feel like i'm updated, i always check to see what's up! I love the sign in her room. it's never easy to wait, i'll be the first to vouch for that. i can' even wait in line in the drive-through. you all are an inspriration to everyone who is waiting along with you! You always point to Jesus and His plan. that's a great lesson for us all.

Amy said...

you all are living the song...

"While I'm waiting...I will serve YOU, While I'm waiting...I will worship, While I'm waiting...I will not faint, I'll be running the race, even while I wait!"

just keep taking every step in obedience...He will give you the grace to all comes from Him!

Thanks for being an example to me of truly waiting and trusting all are so special to me!

love ya SO MUCH!!!

i'm waiting with you!!! (kinda makes me wonder if this is how God feels...He's waiting to be with us for ETERNITY!)